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SVG Image


Designed to standardize image data, transforming it into a structured format that is readily accessible and interpretable by machine learning models.

Getting Started:

Install this.img:

Open your terminal and run the following command to install the this.me package:

npm install this.img
Import this.img in Your Project:

In the JavaScript file where you want to use this.img, import the thisImg class.

import thisImg from 'this.img';

Simple Integration Example:

// Example of processing an image using a preset
const imagePath = 'path/to/image.jpg';
// Use a high-resolution grayscale preset
thisImg(imagePath, PRESETS.highResGray256)
  .then(result => {
    console.log('Processed Image:', result);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error processing image:', error);

Machine learning models often require specific image sizes based on the model architecture and task. this.img includes common sizes used in machine learning, along with color options, integrated as presets for easy configuration.

Common Image Sizes for Machine Learning

  1. Small Size: Commonly used for basic models and when computational resources are limited.
    • Size: 32x32
    • Often used in datasets like CIFAR-10.
  2. Medium Size: A balance between detail and computational efficiency.
    • Size: 64x64 or 128x128
    • Typical for intermediate complexity models.
  3. Large Size: Used for models requiring high detail.
    • Size: 256x256 or 299x299
    • Used in more complex models, such as those for high-resolution image classification.

Below is the list of available presets:

  • default64: Standard 64x64 resolution, 3 channels (rgb) color, 'jpeg'.
  • small32: Small 32x32 resolution, 3 channels (rgb) color, 'jpeg'.
  • large128: Large 128x128 resolution, 3 channels (rgb) color, 'jpeg'.
  • highResColor256: High-resolution 256x256, 3 channels (rgb) color, 'jpeg'.
  • grayscale32: Small 32x32 resolution, grayscale 1 color channel, 'jpeg'.
  • grayscale64: Standard 64x64 resolution, grayscale 1 color channel, 'jpeg'.
  • highResGray256: High-resolution 256x256, 1 color channel. grayscale, 'jpeg'.

You can use these presets directly by referencing their names when calling the thisImg function

Handling Color Channels

  • RGB (Color): 3 channels (standard for colored images)
  • Grayscale: 1 channel (used for reducing computational load or when color is not informative)


Returns an HTMLImageElement that can be used on a canvas. This function supports loading from both URLs and Blob objects.

What is All.This?

Modular Data Structures:

Each module in all.this represents a specific datastructure. These classes encapsulate the functionalities and data specific to their domain.

this.me - this.audio - this.text - this.wallet - this.img - this.pixel - be.this - this.DOM - this.env - this.GUI - this.be - this.video - this.dictionaries


If you are interested in collaborating or wish to share your insights, please feel free to reach out or contribute to the project.

License & Policies

  • License: MIT License.

  • Learn more at https://docs.neurons.me

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