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# loadImage(imageFile) → {Promise.<HTMLImageElement>}

Helper function to load an image from a URL or Blob.
Name Type Description
imageFile string | Blob The URL or Blob of the image.

View Source this.img.browser.js, line 59

A promise that resolves with the loaded image.

# async thisImg(imageFile, options) → {Promise.<{buffer: Buffer, metadata: object}>}

Processes an image by resizing, optionally changing its color space, and converting it to the specified format. This Node.js version uses the ImgFormatterNode to handle image processing.
Name Type Default Description
imageFile string | Blob The image file path or Blob.
options object | string default64 The options object containing width, height, channels, and format, or a string key for a preset.

View Source this.img.node.js, line 13

A promise that resolves with the processed image data.
Promise.<{buffer: Buffer, metadata: object}>

By neurons.me